
winter break / christmas update!

merry christmas!

the kitties have had quite a holiday weekend! i [mommy] have been away at home visiting with family since thursday evening and the kitties are once again in the care of jeff. they have been at his apartment, on their first road trip upstate to millbrook and back again.

surprisingly, the kitties were very well behaved and relaxed while they were in upstate new york. thankfully they didn't cause any trouble while visiting with jeff's parents!

buster even had his first step outside [and ran right back inside!] since he was rescued. he is quite the scardy cat.

i miss the kitties so much and can't wait to see them when i fly in from atlanta today!

the kitties got me the most excellent christmas present! they got me a new flip video camera so i can take lots of videos of them as they continue to grow and be cute.

besides lots of fun toys, the kitties got a video catnip dvd from jeff! they already love watching the squirrels and birds. not sure what video catnip is? see my gift suggestion here. i have fun videos to share with you of the kitties watching the dvd. coming soon!

to see more pics from their fun winter weekend, see jeff's flickr.